RALLA 2.0 application (1 workspace license)
Regular price €148.00
Unit price per
The RALLA 2.0 application enables digital analysis of observations of play and peer interaction skills and obtaining ready-made reports for pedagogical documentation.
We deliver the RALLA application to the user as an annual license. The license agreement is a standing order in nature.
This single workspace license is suitable, for example, for use by one early childhood education group or an individual rehabilitation company and can be applied for 1-5 users.
Remember take into account your organization security regulations and note that within one same workspace, users can see the logs made by each other.
The RALLA 2.0 application includes:
Unlimited use of RALLA Play Skills Detection ™ and RALLA Peer Interaction Skills Detection ™ tools. From the RALLA application, you can print observation forms and learn how to use the methods with the help of training videos.
More information:
Tiina Lautamo
+35840 568 9206